

4.1 实验室认可证书Laboratory Accreditation Certificate

2012年9月首次通过中国合格评定国家认可委员会CNAS L5854实验室认可。In September 2012, it was approved for the first time by the CNAS L5854 Laboratory of the China National
Accreditation Committee for conformity assessment.
2014年4月通过上汽集团供应商实验室能力评定认可,证书编号:SC Lab-RP-12006。In April 2014, it was approved by SAIC’s supplier laboratory capability, certificate number: SC Lab-RP-12006;
2016年6月通过一汽大众质量能力(Formel Q)评审,被评为A级供应商,证书编号:VA-F-16274。In June 2016, FAW Volkswagen’s quality capability (Formel Q) was evaluated, and it was rated as a level supplier with the certificate number: VA-F-16274.


4.2 胶料测试Rubber test

Performance Items:
Damping 阻尼
Creep 蠕变
Strain / Strength 强度/伸长率
Ageing /low temperature 耐老化/低温
Anti-oil 耐油性
Ozone resistance 耐臭氧
Viscosity & Mooney 粘度/门尼
Vulcanisation characteristic 硫变特性
Carbon Disperse 碳黑分散度
Tension And compress Test 拉压测试
Chemical Composition Analysis 化学成分分析
Metallographic Analysis 金相分析
Corrosion Resistance Test 耐腐蚀测试
Hardness test 硬度测试

4.2 静态测试Static test

Tensile test machine

最大拉力Maximum tension :50000N;
测试项目Test items :
扯断强度breaking strength ;
定负荷伸长率Elongation at specified load ;
线绳粘合强度Cord adhesive strength ;
布粘合强度Fabric adhesive strength ;

Hot air aging test box

temperature : 300℃;
测试项目Test items :
耐高温热空气老化High temperature and hot air aging test.

Ozone resistant tester
测试条件Test condition:
50ppm X 40℃;
测试项目Test items :
Ozone aging test;

High and low temperature
cycle test machine
测试条件Test condition:
高温High temperature:121 ℃,
低温Low temperature:-40 ℃
Test items :
高低温循环试验Temperature cycling test;

4.2 动态测试Dynamic testing